simple backpacking recipes

4 Super Simple Ideas

by Chef Corso

Spring is here folks!  It’s that time of year where you don’t quite put the coat away but you at least transition from the parka to the daily windbreaker or fleece.

And as the days are getting longer and nature is looking more inviting, you know what tine it is…it’s time to get out there…go see what those birds are chirping about.  And to help you get started on your outdoor adventures the Spring, here are 4 tips for using fresh ingredients in your next meal plan.

Real Vegetables

Fresh veggies can make for a great dish on their own or they can be utilized to jazz up a pre-packed meal that’s already on the menu.

Root vegetables like potatoes or carrots make for a sumptuous start to any recipe and they’re sturdy enough to take the beating of the trail.  Throw some in your pack with some spices and garlic… add water and voila! You have everything you need for a quick and tasty soup.

Spinach or kale are great too.  They’re durable for the trail and with a little oil and vinegar, you can make a fresh salad thousands of feet above sea level.   That’s right…I said salad while hiking! Or just add some fresh zucchini and tomatoes to a box of instant rice to make an easy Mediterranean bowl.

Fresh Herbs

Fresh herbs pack a ton of flavor and weigh almost nothing.  And don’t worry about them spoiling. If packed properly in a wet paper towel and ziploc baggie, herbs like cilantro, parsley, basil and chives can all last for several days and they will make any dish pop.

Spice Mixes

Pre-made spice mixes are not only light to pack but they are a great way to add complex flavor – fast.  Look for options with little to no salt and feel free to mix and match different flavor profiles to bring a variety of options to your trek.


It doesn’t matter what season it is, you don’t want to forget the acid.  Throw a lemon or lime in your pack. Or just fill a small, plastic bottle with vinegar.  Red, white, Balsamic, Champagne… any of these can be great options. For little weight, these acids will pack a big punch to finish any meal.



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